One Domestic Church

One Domestic Church

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Good-bye Pope Benedict! Pray for us!

Thinking today about our trip to Rome in the summer of 2012.  I do recall wondering if we will ever see our beloved Pope Benedict XVI.  So on Pope Benedict's second to last day, we pray for our dear Pope and with great excitement look forward to the conclave to begin in March 2013.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Midway Through Homeschool Year

We are now midway through our homeschool year.  However, we will be homeschooling all through the summer except for vacation time.  This has been probably the most productive school year, but also one of the most difficult due to my mom being so sick.  The reason that it has been the most productive is that we have really had to use our time wisely.  That means when we are doing our schooling we really get down to business.  Although the kids have not complained, I am not sure that our schooling has been very "fun" this year.  I do try to add in liturgical elements so that the kids remember what time of the year it is in the Church.

On the other extreme, it has been the most difficult year for homeschooling.  JP is behind in some of his subjects since I pulled him out of a a school in the middle of the year when he was in first grade.  I saw so many gaps in his education, we decided to start first grade over from the beginning of the year.  So we have been plugging away, but a half year behind.  I had hoped that we would catch up during the summer of 2012, but with my mom getting sick we drove daily an hour away to be with my mom and dad.   Our thoughts were not on school at all  this summer.

So here we are nearing the end of February and still struggling to keep our homeschool on track.  My mom is still hanging in there and at a nice rehab center which is a little closer to our home about 30 minutes away.. On top of her lung cancer, she has miraculously survived pneumonia and  MRSA, numerous urinary tract infections and sepsis.  My dad who has also not been well is recovering from his bout with pneumonia.  We may not have gotten to all our formal lessons this year, but we certainly have had a lots of life lessons.  Our children have learned to love more, be compassionate and to be thankful for the gift of life.